• Best Film

    The Break

    The Film Festival Movie

    The Class Clown

    Aladdin Pants

    Gypsy Road

    The Knock

    Fade Away


    The Lucy Show

    Head Bandits

    Big Daddy Kane vs. Jimmy the Kid


  • Best Faculty Performance

    Tim Rose  (The Break)

    Mr. Salmans (BDK vs Jimmy the Kid, The Class Clown, The Break, and Head Bandits)

    Mr. Alan (The Film Festival Movie and The Class Clown)

    Mr. Cashman  (The Film Festival Movie, The Class Clown, The Lucy Show, and Head Bandits)

    Mr. Pasquale Straccia  (Head Bandits and The Film Festival Movie)

  • Best Director

    Jess Ferguson, Emma Alosi, and Jenna Macdonald (F-Bomb)

    Chris Reilly and Lang Delapa (The Class Clown)

    Nicole Waters, Emme Devito, and Myles Qualter (Rebel)

    Ava Straccia and Emily Tomassetti (The Film Festival Movie)

    Sam Thorsen and Nicole Hegarty (The Knock)

    Griffin Wilkins and Dennis Crowley (The Break)

  • Best Performance in a Lead Role

    James Kane (Big Daddy Kane vs. Jimmy the Kid)

    Griffin Wilkins (The Break)

    Ava Straccia (The Film Festival Movie)

    Amy Gordon (The Lucy Show)

    Domenico Straccia  (Head Bandits)

  • Best Performance in a Supporting Role

    Matt Glynn (The Break)

    Emily Tomassetti (The Film Festival Movie)

    Gina Destito (The Lucy Show)

    Jimmy Haskins (Big Daddy Kane vs. Jimmy the Kid)

    Mahoney Cyr (Head Bandits)

  • Best Screenplay

    Sam Thorsen and Nicole Hegarty (The Knock)

    Christina Forrester, Amy Gordon, and Grace Healy (The Lucy Show)

    Chris Reilly (The Class Clown)

    Ava Straccia (The Film Festival Movie)

    Griffin Wilkins and Dennis Crowley (The Break)

  • Best Art Direction

    Kiera Keaney (The Film Festival Movie)

    Jessica Elmhurst and Julianna Webster (Big Daddy Kane vs. Jimmy the Kid)

    Erin Parquette (The Knock)

    Rachel Witham and Sam Grant (The Class Clown)

    Griffin Wilkins, Kaitlin Korsak, Dennis Crowley (The Break)

  • Best Editing

    The Break


    The Film Festival Movie

    The Knock


  • Best Achievement in Music

    Katie Hurwitz (Fade Away)

    Toshak Patel (The Break and F-Bomb)

    Noah Talbot (The Knock)

    Jess Elmhurst and Juliana Webster (BDK vs. Jimmy the Kid)

    Nina LaRusso (The Lucy Show)

    Victoria Kelley (The Film Festival Movie and The Break)

  • Best Cinematography

    The Break

    The Film Festival Movie

    The Knock


17th Annual Nominations and Winners
17th Annual Nominations and Winners
  • Best Film

    The Break

    The Film Festival Movie

    The Class Clown

    Aladdin Pants

    Gypsy Road

    The Knock

    Fade Away


    The Lucy Show

    Head Bandits

    Big Daddy Kane vs. Jimmy the Kid


  • Best Faculty Performance

    Tim Rose  (The Break)

    Mr. Salmans (BDK vs Jimmy the Kid, The Class Clown, The Break, and Head Bandits)

    Mr. Alan (The Film Festival Movie and The Class Clown)

    Mr. Cashman  (The Film Festival Movie, The Class Clown, The Lucy Show, and Head Bandits)

    Mr. Pasquale Straccia  (Head Bandits and The Film Festival Movie)

  • Best Director

    Jess Ferguson, Emma Alosi, and Jenna Macdonald (F-Bomb)

    Chris Reilly and Lang Delapa (The Class Clown)

    Nicole Waters, Emme Devito, and Myles Qualter (Rebel)

    Ava Straccia and Emily Tomassetti (The Film Festival Movie)

    Sam Thorsen and Nicole Hegarty (The Knock)

    Griffin Wilkins and Dennis Crowley (The Break)

  • Best Performance in a Supporting Role

    Matt Glynn (The Break)

    Emily Tomassetti (The Film Festival Movie)

    Gina Destito (The Lucy Show)

    Jimmy Haskins (Big Daddy Kane vs. Jimmy the Kid)

    Mahoney Cyr (Head Bandits)

  • Best Performance in a Lead Role

    James Kane (Big Daddy Kane vs. Jimmy the Kid)

    Griffin Wilkins (The Break)

    Ava Straccia (The Film Festival Movie)

    Amy Gordon (The Lucy Show)

    Domenico Straccia  (Head Bandits)

  • Best Screenplay

    Sam Thorsen and Nicole Hegarty (The Knock)

    Christina Forrester, Amy Gordon, and Grace Healy (The Lucy Show)

    Chris Reilly (The Class Clown)

    Ava Straccia (The Film Festival Movie)

    Griffin Wilkins and Dennis Crowley (The Break)

  • Best Art Direction

    Kiera Keaney (The Film Festival Movie)

    Jessica Elmhurst and Julianna Webster (Big Daddy Kane vs. Jimmy the Kid)

    Erin Parquette (The Knock)

    Rachel Witham and Sam Grant (The Class Clown)

    Griffin Wilkins, Kaitlin Korsak, Dennis Crowley (The Break)

  • Best Editing

    The Break


    The Film Festival Movie

    The Knock


  • Best Achievement in Music

    Katie Hurwitz (Fade Away)

    Toshak Patel (The Break and F-Bomb)

    Noah Talbot (The Knock)

    Jess Elmhurst and Juliana Webster (BDK vs. Jimmy the Kid)

    Nina LaRusso (The Lucy Show)

    Victoria Kelley (The Film Festival Movie and The Break)

  • Best Cinematography

    The Break

    The Film Festival Movie

    The Knock
